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For Writing a Letter to the Editor/Op-Ed, or Any Inquiries, Fill Out This Form!

In order to present a broad set of perspectives and to better highlight the voices of the campus community, The Tartan will publish content submitted by individuals who are not regular writing staff. There are two such types of submissions, Letter to the Editors and Op-Eds.

Letter to the Editors: This is a response to anything The Tartan has published in the current semester. The purpose of a letter should be to create a dialogue around The Tartan’s publication. Letters should be no more than 250 words, and will only be minimally edited for grammar, style, and factual accuracy.

Op-Eds: This should bring to light a message, opinion, or experience that may be missing from the campus discourse; it should be a reflection of the author’s personal beliefs and stories. Op-eds do not necessarily have to be about content in The Tartan, however, due to this greater liberty in topic, they will be subject to the same editorial standards as any article produced by regular writing staff. Op-Eds should be no more than 600 words.

The Tartan reserves the right to request changes to any submission that we believe unfairly antagonizes other students. Submissions may not be written anonymously or under a pseudonym; if a submission is written by a student organization, individual authors may withhold their name as long as the organization is credited instead. If a letter does not meet these standards, The Tartan reserves the right to withhold publication.
To submit a letter to the editor or an Op-Ed, you may also contact the opinion editor at by Wednesday at 5pm.